About Us:

MeToo was founded in 2012 with the aim of helping develop career skills and broaden the horizons of the participants. For the past 9 years, MeToo focused on fostering communication amongst Chinese individuals and Americans through our programs.

MeToo committees to treating every participant on our programs with thoughtful care and respect, and devoting efforts to help the participants to meet their individual goals. Our current business involves Work and Travel U.S.A, Intern / Trainee U.S.A, International Study Tours, and Visa Counseling, Study in New Zealand.


MeToo has helped more than 1100 applicants successfully study or internship abroad. Including yearly more than 180 participants on Work and Travel U.S.A program and more than 80 participants on the Intern/Trainee program. The number of participants is growing steadily. MeToo insists on not only maintaining growth but also ensuring the quality of the program.


More importantly, MeToo is staffed by a group of people passionate about cultural exchange. We are enthusiastic, professional, and responsible. MeToo is looking forward to promoting the China-America cultural exchanges sincerely.

Our Mission:
We provide participants with great opportunities abroad to improve their professional skills, while they broaden their international perspectives and promote international cultural exchange.
Our Service:
J-1 Intern Program, J-1 Trainee Program, J-1 Work and Travel Program, B1/B2 Short-term Cultural Exchange Program, F1 Consultation.